Featured Resources

New Scanner and Charger Available at Doherty

vertical scanner
ScanSnap SV600 Scanner

New tech tools are now ready for use at Doherty.  A new vertical scanner is available in the lobby computer area. This free-standing scanner makes it easy to convert books, magazines, and any other materials that do not easily fit into a traditional document feeder into high quality PDFs.    The scanner is available to UST students and to the general public.  Ask a reference librarian if you need assistance.

For UST students, if you find yourself in need of a charger for your phone, ipod, or tablet device while on campus, we also have a universal charger available for two-hour checkout at the circulation desk. A quick charge will get you through your next class or marathon library study session without losing power.  The charger is available only to UST students and staff.

universal charger
ChargeAll Universal Charger